Payment Policy
Payment Policy
1. Accepted Payment Methods:
We accept the following payment methods:
- Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
- Digital Wallets (e.g., PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay)
- Bank Transfers
- Cash on Delivery
2. Payment Security:
- All payments are processed through secure and encrypted gateways to protect your information.
- We do not store your payment details on our servers.
3. Payment Confirmation:
- Once payment is successfully processed, you will receive a confirmation email with your order details.
- If you do not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please contact our support team.
4. Currency:
- All transactions are processed in USD & AED.
- If paying in another currency, your bank or card provider may apply additional charges.
5. Refund for Failed Transactions:
- If your payment fails but is still debited from your account, please contact us immediately with proof of payment.
- Refunds for failed transactions may take 5–7 business days to reflect in your account.
6. Cancellation Policy:
- Orders can only be canceled within 24 hours of payment. After this period, cancellations may not be allowed.
7. Discounts and Promotions:
- Any discounts or promotional codes must be applied at checkout.
- Discounts cannot be applied after an order is placed.
8. Taxes and Additional Fees:
- Prices listed on our website exclude taxes. Tax will apply on the final invoice as per the country’s law.
- Shipping costs and additional fees will be calculated at checkout.
9. Payment Disputes:
- In case of any payment disputes, please reach out to our support team at or +971522192227.
- We will resolve disputes by the applicable laws.
Get in touch
For any payment-related queries, please contact us at:
Our Address
United Arab Emirates
Phone Number
+971 522 192227
Email Address